Sunday, July 28, 2024

good talk

   I was in Paris, May, art museums. I took my car in, the manager, Raphael, a Mexican, says, he's voting for Trump, said, some things are 3 times as much, as 4 years ago. Vance is a drag, insults barren women. Trump was almost killed, stood in there, bravely, his supporters fervent, none deserted him. I went to a day, of the Summer League, as always, 7 games, 14 teams, see a half, maybe 3 quarters, then, across the hall, short halftime, game over, next teams, quickly, I was there, from 1:30 to 9:30. Bronny looked good, Kyle Filipowski, played well, he fell to the 2nd round, because he shuns his family, and he has an older girlfriend, the "Nanny League"? Reed Sheppard, is a good defender, and  distributes, say, a bounce-pass under the basket, a real-fine child. Enrique Freeman, was Akron U's only good player, he went to Akron U., on a partial academic scholarship,  attending an open-tryout, he was the only one, they took, to fill-out the roster. His mother is a Cleveland Cop, and raised him good, he attended a small Catholic High School, where you had to have a job, ha, Enrique worked at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, 5 story black-glass pyramid, designed by I.M. Pei, none of you have been there, pursuing your geek-lifestyle. He was at Akron U., 5 years, did well in school, and was involved in Student Government, Akron U. developed him, and he was the NBA'S 50th draft choice, taken by the "Indiana Pacers", I saw him play well, he was in the upper third, of the 1st and 2nd draft choices. Older, he turns "24", tomorrow, wish him Happy Birthday, he'll make a lot of money, unlike most, manage it, he left the U with a MBA

Sunday, July 21, 2024

good talk

   If Joe thought much of Kamala, he'd resign 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

good talk

   Donnie must have a Guardian Angel 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

good talk

   When Obama was President, some guy scaled the fence, and went the entire length, of the White House, the head of the Secret Service, was some obese woman. Those weak girls, are going to get somebody killed, it looked-like a SNL skit

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

good talk

   With the Russians, only sending 16 Competitors, no Men's or Women's Gymnasts, it's no Olympics, at all   

Monday, July 1, 2024

good talk

   In 1920, while a Convict, in Atlanta Federal Penitentiary, Eugene V. Debs received almost a million votes for President