Sunday, July 12, 2009

good talk

Obama Seems to be saying the Right Things in Africa, telling them that they have to Reform instead of Blaming Others. When Clinton was apologizing to Everybody for Everything he Apologized to the Africans for Slavery. One African Country's President said, Maybe it's the African Chiefs who should Apologize. All of the Black Slavery Began with Black Africans enslaving other Black Africans, either War Captives or Unpopular Members of the Tribe (you'd really know that you were unpopular). They'd then be sold to Traders, often Arabs, and taken to the Coast to be Sold yet again and then taken aboard Ships. Like Many of you I've bought a new General Motors car only to be disappointed. General Motors used to be the Epitome of Excellence and Mightiness in this Country and of course it no Longer is. When my Father was Officer-in-Charge of the Brook Park Tank Plant near Cleveland during the Korean War, Ed Cole was the Manager of the GM Plant outside of Cleveland. They were sort of the Same (my Father was a Reserve Officer, he didn't even Like the Army because they didn't produce anything Construcive). Ed was in our House in Akron (we never lived in Cleveland, we were Akronites), he and my Father were Friends. Later Ed rose to become the President of General Motors (1967 to 1973) and even then General Motors was Highly Esteemed. Ed Cole died piloting his own Plane at the age of "68," like Henry Ford a Michigan Farmboy with a Bit of Ambition. I'm willing to Bring Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox back to Strict Heterosexuality, I don't particularly want to but for the Weal I'm Willing to Make the Effort. They'll Gladly Lasor their Tatts for Me.

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