Tuesday, August 2, 2016

good talk

I've got a ton of hits already today, and I haven't been online in 2 days, you people are wetting your pants.  I've got a glut from Russia, the Ivans dig me, I hung around with a beautiful Russian girl, "26," for awhile in China, I like you folks.  This constant-thing on the History Channel about space aliens building the pyramids and the other wonders of yore, is stupid, their commentators try to pass-themselves off as being intelligent.  On these TV ads about finding out your ancestry, they have one cluck saying that she found-out that she was 26% Native American, say guy says that he's 92% something--it can't be, it has to be a multiple of "2," the highest Math I took was Algebra 11, and I know that.  You women aren't rushing to be around Ed, once again, maybe you'd be interested in Scott (See My Blog for Sept. 23, 2014), now "45."  He looks real-good, a kind and gentle-man, Scott went-off-of reefer a few months ago, lucid for the first-time in a third of a century, quite the catch for the lucky girl.         I wanted to make her happy, and you see the shape she's in, eh, had good intentions, anyway       It's the bottom number that has to be multiple of "2," to clarify

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