Wednesday, December 25, 2024

good talk

   I'm "77 and a half",  today, possibly the most talented person, ever, you're bad people. That guy, who hit Trevor Lawrence, in the head, while he was doing his slide, should be suspended, for a year. "Sin City" has a soft side, with animals, lately, it's been all-over, the News, about these 2, who were caught, and their causing the torture-death, of "Reba", the English Bulldog, I want to keep, alive, the slaying, in a small gated community, in Las Vegas, of "Pete the Peacock", who, on August 24, 2023, was found shot, a Hunter's Arrow, sticking out of him, rushed to a Vet Hospital, and given a blood transfusion, from another peacock, Pete couldn't be saved. Beloved in the neighborhood, for years, Pete was often seen strutting-about, his feathers on full-parade, there are people, probably quite a few, who know who did this, let this be a continual-story, "Reba" has been going-on, for weeks. I'm going over to some friends, today, and bringing some Christmas Cheer, I'll go months without drinking, ends today, I usually get invites, for the holidays, but choose to be alone, I'm feeling festive. Don't forget Pete 

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