Wednesday, September 23, 2015

good talk

It's always being said that Carly Fiorina started as a secretary, during summers she worked as one for Kelly Services while at Stanford, this is Carly's ...Honest Carly the Railsplitter...  James A. Garfield (Nov. 19, 1831 to Sept. 19, 1881) was the 20th President of the United States (Mar. 4, 1881, shot July 2, 1881, to Sept. 19, 1881), 2 of our 4 martyred Presidents were from Ohio.  Carly says that she was so into her research while at Stanford that would study in the original Greek and Latin.  President Garfield, to entertain his friends would quickly write in Ancient Greek (right to left) with either hand, while writing as rapidly in Latin (left to right) with his other hand.  If Carly masters this, she'll get our vote

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