Wednesday, June 24, 2020

good talk

Alexandria gets her District Ink. Do you have a bridge, you want to sell NASCAR? Formula 1 is the fastest, most-dangerous. Trump will probably dice  him up in the debates. I'm in Barstow, overlooked as a place to relax, on Sunday, I went to the Movies like a human being, prior, I went to "Barstow Burger", and got the Colossal Burger Combo, so much I could hardly eat it all, I've returned for the same, just $9, incl. tax, Barstow is cheap. 5 years ago, I read in the paper, about the strange and huge Moon, in LA, it looked normal, as I approached Barstow, I saw this giant orange Moon, with immense-bulges at the top and bottom, the locals said it had been that way, for a few days, I had never seen anything like that. For a populated area, Barstow, isolated, has the cleanest air you're going to find, it's a big Oxygen Bar, I'm takin' a big inhale right now, not just thru my nose, my mouth, as well, yummy yum

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