Thursday, September 8, 2022

good talk

 2 old people with a tawdry-past, it's on the way out. Elizabeth had been a good-looking girl, my father met her uncle, the former king, Edward VIII, then the Duke of Windsor, during the Korean War, when, as a functionary of the British Govt., he was given a tour of the Brook Park Tank Plant, by my Dad, who was Officer in Charge. My father never mentioned it, but I saw a picture, of my father, and 4 other officers, in uniform, the Duke, looking very dapper, in a suit, and there was a guy in the picture who looked terrible, dressed in horrible-looking clothes, I asked my father, who's this? He said, he was a worker at the plant, who was from England, who wanted to meet the Duke. Edward would be the only one, who would want this guy in the picture, it didn't matter how grubby they looked, it didn't matter how grubby they were, Edward really did care about his people, he just didn't want to be king

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