Friday, January 20, 2023

good talk

   That was a very cheap production, with a lot of labor-unrest, many  people had quit, one or more, of them,  introduced those live rounds, to the set, sabotage. Every so often, some nobody prosecutor, attempts to get the attention his mother denied him, Alec Baldwin and his high-priced mouthpiece, will turn the waters mocha, winning easily. Paying meager, they had that little girl, as their Armorer, it was her responsibility, that any guns on the set, were cold, she'll cry a lot, and get off. I was in Laughlin, 90 miles from Las Vegas, both in Clark County, and each had their roads repaved 2 years ago, and these are already coming apart, somebody made a lot of money "fixing", and will continue. It was 2 P.M., and I hadn't eaten all day, I was in their discount mall, and went to "Herbert's Restaurant", I was dubious, I ordered a steak burrito, that thing was immense, and high-quality food, just $10.83

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