Tuesday, December 4, 2018

good talk

This past April, I was at the Bush the Younger Presidential Library at SMU, so now I've seen all 13 of the major pres. libraries, I'll see Obama's once it's done.  About the most impressive was the Bush the Elder at Texas A&M, even tho he was a once-term pres.   Trump should have seen a Tango Show, while in Buenos Aires, I've seen 3, the best was La Ventana (See My Blog for Jan. 25, 2009, Jan. 27, 2009, and Feb. 3, 2009).  Argentina is a lot of fun, I've taken a total of 5 Tango Lessons at the Confiteria Ideal, a Tango palace from the 1890's, I'm gonna practice my steps, the most beautiful of dance (the Goncho, the quick-kick between your partner's legs), I'm having a flashback from the CI  ...Move the woman....  Victor Joecks writes a good column for the "Las Vegas Review-Journal" (See Wed., Nov. 21, 2018)

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