Saturday, July 14, 2018

good talk

They allowed that guy to buzz our President, the Europeans are weak-minded, probably because their ancestors were bombed.  It never stops to amaze me the hunger for the current hot toy, now, Build-A-Bear, that promotion had all those women, who couldn't afford one, standing in line, as they thought they'd get one cheaply, and learning they wouldn't be getting one.  A woman chanted  ...We want Bears   Ohh  I was recently at the National Museum of the United States Air Force, which adjoins Riverside, Ohio, a Dayton suburb.  I took the city-bus to get there (I try to travel like the people), but was misinformed of where to stand to go back.  I was standing in the rain for a long-time when a Riverside Police Car, pulled-over, and I was asked my situation.  Officer Michael Sullivan, a 13-year veteran, then gave me a long-ride (if you go to Ireland, they laugh, as they know that the Irish in America have the reputation of being policemen) to the bus depot.  I asked Officer Mike the local-situation, and he said that they have a heroin-problem, Dayton, like Akron, has seen better days.  All interaction that I've ever had with the Police, has gone well, and I'm grateful that they Protect and Serve, if you want, you may email Officer Mike, and tell him that Ed was thinking of him                                                 

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