Thursday, January 20, 2011

good talk

Having you people wait like begging dogs for my next offering makes me feel real important. In December there was a spate of shark attacks off the Red Sea resort of Sharm al-Sheikh with people getting their arms and legs bitten off and one lady was killed, the governor of South Sinai suggested that this might be the work of the Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service, that they could have put the deadly shark in there to mess up Egyptian tourism. Why the British are making such a big deal about 2 people who've been shacking up for 7 years finally getting married is beyond me. In 1649 they beheaded Charles I, that's their tradiion. Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) was a poor Scottish immigrant who became with Rockefeller the richest men in the world. Coming to Pennsylvania with his family in 1848 and with little education the little Scot found that he had a talent for making money. A deeply religious Presbyterian, Carnegie wrote "Wealth" or more often called "The Gospel of Wealth" in 1889 in which he stated that "No idol is more debasing than the worship of money" During his lifetime Carnegie gave away 90% of his money saying that the man who dies rich dies disgraced, that wealth should be used for the betterment of all mankind. 2 years ago I was in a Carnegie Library in San Fernando, Trinidad. Carnegie was a benefactor of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama which was headed by Booker T. Washington. He praised the high estate taxes in England and during the 1880's bought many newspapers in the British Isles in which he espoused the abolition of the monarchy. He stated that any man's reward could only be in Heaven. This thing that Warren and Bill Gates have been talking about is nothing new in fact previously there were many more good men than exist today. I had 10 thou apiece on 2 of the bowl games, I like excitement.

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