Thursday, April 5, 2018

good talk

These women in Black you see on TV, everyone thinks that it's in relation to the men you see around them, not very complimentary.   There's already even 40 mil living in this Country who stem from Illegal Aliens, they're already here, it's ...after the Cow's been stolen...  I went to Jan, easily the best I've had, for a Scrapejob, and she, as she put it "rebuked" me, as she said that I had more than ever of tartar and plaque (caked-on congealed Guck) on my Teeth.  She spent 50 minutes getting it off, and they feel a lot-better, they feel shorter, too, of all things, my great dental-hygiene has remained the same, dunno.   I don't think that Laura's career should be ended just because she criticized that Kid.  Am I the only one who thinks it unseemly that Nevada's Schools get part of the tax on Legal Marijuana?    I haven't seen Sara Eisen in a long-time, she's a real good girl

good talk

I got a ton of Hits from my last Post, about all from this Country, this means that your minds are in the gutter, did Ed's comment titillate da widdle bwains, you Simple Bastards.  She didn't write, but she should, in this cold, hard, World, we should be kind to one another, I'd go to McKayla and cure her in one day and be on my way.  I'm not putting-out, I'm a magic man, like that song, I'll have her up and rolling in fine fettle for the next 50 thou miles.  

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

good talk

McKayla and I can get together, she's got my email