Sunday, April 2, 2017

good talk

There is no such thing as "Time", you're born, you die, everything in between, is a jumble, and I can prove it, I should be nominated for a Nobel in Physics.  Yesterday, on "CBS This Morning, Saturday", they had Annie Jacobsen, who wrote "Phenomena", about the long-time extra-sensory-intelligence race between the U.S. and Russia.  ...For the past 40 years, the U.S. government has researched extrasensory perception...  ...The intelligence agencies and military services involved include CIA, DIA, NSA, DEA, the Navy, Air Force, and Army, and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff...  (Amazon Review).  The book states that many Psychics are employed by these agencies, why the best-one, and a U.S. citizen (ancestors first arrived around 1650), would not be begged (we beseech you, kind telepathist), is beyond-weird

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