Saturday, May 23, 2020

good talk

I'm fed-up with you leeching Swine. This Lockdown is Insanity, what, Hertz entered Chapter 11, more to come, the Colorado Belle closed forever, 1200 rooms, 400 jobs, Sisolak torpedoed the cheap and wonderful Laughlin. The Dems came-up with this Lockdown, to exert control over minds they consider simple and easily-fooled, how could you fall for a weak-shot like that?  This violates our Rights, let those who want to go out and work do it, others can stay-home, die, whatever. This is the Disease du Jour, other big-diseases are coming, can we crumble each time? Biden insulted Black Americans, implying they prefer Bad English, Joe seems like a nice guy, I like him better than Trump, but the Dems are saying, they need a vibrant VP Candidate, as Old Joe might die or grow buggy, what kind of Presidential Candidate is that? I'm halfway to that pony for Alexandria. She'll have a hard time getting the Dem Nomination, ha, her opponent says that instead of hunkering-down in her frowsy district, she's in a luxury apt. in D.C., with a Whole Foods in the Lobby. Those job-hungry New Yorkers, are biting-themselves over the lost 25,000 high-paying jobs, that she helped fly-away, all NY had to give-up was 100 thou per job in eventual-taxes, well worth it   You gotta give some to get some     -Robert Frost

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