Wednesday, December 7, 2011

good talk

I just saw "Animal House" on TV, a guy goes to a women's college to pick up his girlfriend and is told that she died so he takes her roommate. A friend of mine has no medical insurance I told him that he has to rely on Obamacare and the Great Black Father, Barry is a nice guy but he's misguided as there's little money for that or much of anything else. The Republican Candidates thus far are so weak that maybe Barry can do it again, I'm waiting for a groundswell of support for myself on the Telepathic Ticket, hey I'd do good. John Walsh and America's Most Wanted are back on TV and many are happy about this. The United States is trying to force Gay Rights down everybody's throats that shows a lot of arrogance look at the way this country is should we be posturing. Not many would believe Japan's contention that they actually wanted to give the U.S. a half-hour warning before they attacked at Pearl Harbor. That would have allowed the many well-trained soldiers and sailors to arm themselves and gather ammunition resulting in 3 times as many downed Japanese planes. The Japanese Intelligence was so bad that they attacked when the 3 American aircraft carriers were elsewhere, their two waves of aerial assault only resulted in the Battleships Arizona and Oklahoma being rendered permanently useless. Those silly Japs didn't even attack the Americans' ancillary facilities for ship repair, fuel and their submarine pens which would have been far more valuable to destroy. The Japanese bungled effort at Pearl Harbor exposed them to be big fools, at best Admiral Nagumo's bringing of a huge fleet of 6 aircraft carriers and 24 other vessels 4000 miles undetected was a moot victory in logistics as how the heck could that be done. I used to know a Black guy who was Retired Navy who told me that he was at Pearl Harbor and that this was the source of the big scar he had on his right forearm, he said that initially due to the many casualties they only taped it stitching it later. He said that he had a friend in the brig on the "Arizona" awaiting Dishonorable Discharge.

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