Sunday, June 19, 2011

good talk

Thursbday I went to the Del Mar Fair which is always 5th or 6th largest in the country. I saw Randy Travis who I've always liked a lot and he gave a rousing hour and 45 minutes. Randy said there was a state trooper who was giving his friend a ride-a-long and he told him if you stay behind a driver long enough he's going to commit a violation and then you can give him a ticket. So the trooper tailed this one driver for 50 miles and the driver always stayed in the middle of the white lines and drove 5 miles under the speed limit. After this 50 miles the trooper told his friend that he was going to stop the driver to tell him how impressed he was with his driving, he pulls the guy over and says I just want to compliment you on how well you drove for such for a long distance and the driver replied when you're drunk you've got to be careful. Randy's "I Told You So" is one of my favorite songs and brought tears to my eyes. Trisha Yearwood had success recently with it but it's Randy's originally and more of a man's song. Back in Ohio they usually called it "Hillbilly" and I've always liked some of those tunes about woe and regret. I really enjoyed communing with all the farm animals, the horses, pigs, sheep and others they're so neat. I did this thing where I paid $30 and they put my little feets in a clear liquid and soaked them for 30 minutes. They put in this electroysis and by the time you're finished the liquid is the color of mud, not just me everybody. Some lady came past and said she had bought the system a year ago ($1300 including shipping) and that her family uses it once a month and that they really like it, I felt a lot better, it pulls the impurities out of your sweat glands and through the bottoms of your feet. All of our bodies are polluted and anything you can do for yours is appreciated. I was told this method has been around for 60 years. I also had a dynamite 30 minute backrub by one of these Oriental guys who are always at the Fair. He was strong and really put his elbows into me. There's 6 of these guys and while I had my face down and was getting this done I heard a teen-age girl say I'm going to have that guy picking his nose give me a massage.

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