Tuesday, August 23, 2011

good talk.

On the Internet I see where the Class of 1965 at Akron Firestone High lists about a third of the class whose whereabouts they don't know me amongst them, they're probably gearing up for a 50th Reunion in 2015 as this was the lst graduating class. My older brother, Bob, went to his 10th at Buchtel High and seemed to like it but even then there were only 15% which is l out of almost 7. I'm 64 probably a quarter of them are dead, what, a bunch of creaky old people 67 or 68 maybe some in wheelchairs (a lot of people in wheelchairs could rise out of them if they lost 200 pounds some of the others are too lazy to walk). At any rate that high school had an aura of evil about it, sometimes I'll enter a country, not often, and be overwhelmed by the evil, say Indonesia in 1998. Firestone was the best high school academically in Akron either public or private, it was maybe 30% Jewish and a lot of wealthy people sent their children there although most families were upper middle class like mine. In 10th grade for World History they had me in a class of low achievers they tried hard but they weren't very bright. On the State administered test I placed 7th in the school even though I hadn't studied 10 minutes. I thought that's pretty good, next year when I take American History I'll study and maybe I can place lst in the school. My American History teacher was a guy, 28, named Croye, Robert I think, and he liked to make humerous comments to the captive audience, he wasn't a good teacher. When the time came to take the test for placement in the school he wasn't going to let me take it as I didn't have a B in his class and I had to get the counselor's permission to take it. I placed lst in the school out of about 342 as that was the number in my graduating class. 6 weeks later the first 2 in each subject went down to Akron U. to take the test for placement in the State (the 2nd place guy who I beat by a lot went to Michigan and became an M.D. his father was this). I placed 16th in the State. Ohio then and now was the 7th largest state and American History was a required subject everybody had to take it, I placed 16th out of 200 to 300 thousand.

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