Thursday, October 13, 2011

good talk

The few of you who have religious convictions don't seem very concerned about going to Hell. Over the past few years thousands of TV Media have been canned and have nothing to lose and everything to gain by telling the Truth for once in their lives, being that dumb is a serious problem. At the gym I go to I have 2 friends who are Veterans of WWII, Bob is an Army Vet and is 84, last week Bob rode his Harley to Searchlight and back by himself 100 miles. Bart is 86 and dropped out of high school at 17 and was in the Navy for 3 years. After the War he went to school on the GI Bill eventually becoming an Eye Ear Nose and Throat M.D. Bart said I went with the flow and the flow was good back then. He said that even the best tests won't tell a doctor what Observation will and that doctors today won't spend that necessary time. Bart said that having Gays out of the Closet in the Military will lead to endless fistfights. You can think of yourself as being Liberal until you ponder the Bohemian things that these guys do with each other, I've never done anything like that. A Gay come-on doesn't bother me but a lot of guys would be angry. I've been to Philadelphia many times it was cold as heck. I went to the very good Philadelphia Museum of Art. It was there that Rocky bolted up the front steps and exulted (...Getting Strong Now...) and they have the spot where Rocky sprang into the air marked with bronze footprints. There I had my picture taken leaping into the air seeing this others emulated including 2 teenage girls jumping simultaneously.

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