Friday, October 27, 2017

good talk

There's a new mini-series, "Horror at the Cecil Hotel" (...a magnet for dangerous people...), I've stayed there.  I stayed-there thrice for a couple days each time, and during its salad-days, when all these things were going-on.  The "Hotel Cecil", 600 rooms, advertised on the Sports Page of the LA Times, during the times I stayed-there, it morphed from a Black Ghetto to a Hispanic Ghetto, I never had any problem, what are they going to do, gnaw my elbows.  It was a pretty-good room and a central-location, I'd go there on my Greyhound trips, I had no car there.  I'd take the bus and go to art museums, sporting-events, whatever, I thought the place was pretty-good.  What, in 2013, they discovered some Asian girl's decomposing-body in a cistern on the roof, ha, from which everybody had been drinking water, just the thought sort of turns one's stomach.  One Sunday morning, and it was Father's Day, I went downstairs to get some Eats, there was a lunch-wagon that was often there, and all these Black guys were saying "Happy Father's Day", to each other, I'm not laughing at it, I'm laughing with it.        20 years ago, I was in Phoenix, going to my car, and one of these 2 guys, said, we're Cheyenne Indians from Oklahoma, could you spare something so we could get something to eat?  I gave 'em $5, it spent a lot further back then, they seemed pretty-good, big, husky, not destitute, just temporarily in need of repast.  But that's how come I know that there's Cheyenne in Oklahoma, (from memory) on the Trail of Tears (also called, the "Long Walk", as it was from Georgia to Okla.) there were Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, but apparently since they've added another "C"               

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