Sunday, November 2, 2008

good talk

Two years ago this past spring I was in Berlin and I was reading in the newspaper about the most recent "Honor Killing" in Germany, the 50th over the previous 10 years. These were amongst Moslems, mostly Turks, and they involved a male member of a family killing a girl of the family who they felt had dishonored them. The most recent "Honor Killing" at that time was of a girl by her brother because the girl had wanted to study electrical engineering. A member of this family in saying what a good thing this was said "...She wanted to wear lipstick, she wanted to live like a German..." In Germany they have a lot of pansy laws and pansy punishments for lawbreakers to show the world that the Germans are no longer bloodthirsty murderers. Germany has been a 4th rate country ever since the end of WW II and a good place to be from for the past 100 years. Oh, I forgot, her brother stabbed her to death. All the other Western European countries also have pansy laws and pansy punishments and in fact are all a bunch of pansies. No wonder they're contiguous (the Chunnel), they have this in common. When Gunther Parche stabbed Monica Seles in the neck he just had to go to jail for a bit, he didn't have to go to prison. Things in Western Europe are a lot worse than in this country, they have all these Moslems and they bend over backwards to appease them. The Moslems are a lot different from the indigenous people of these countries so why would they be there at all? Who needs them?

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