Saturday, September 5, 2009

good talk

I think that Michelle looks pretty good especially for a woman in her 40's, many of these are fat, most of the others don't look too good either. The Obama daughters seem like good girls, pretty nice family. Barack comes from a broken-home and has improved on it. Chelsea Clinton was a good girl, scoring in the upper 1 percentile on the National Merit Scholarship Test and going off to Stanford a year younger than you'd expect. Chelsea didn't get misdemeanors, Chelsea didn't face a mandatory jail sentence for her next one. Bush the Younger has a DUI, Cheney has 2. For ordinary Americans you can't even go to Canada if you have a DUI, I've known 2 who were turned back at the border. Rock and Roll. Bush the Elder won a Distinguished Flying Cross in WW II when his 3-man bomber was shot down and he was the only one to parachute and survive. He didn't even drop his bombs, he did nothing constructive in the slightest on this mission and won a DFC. Not as hard to get if you're the son of a U.S. Senator. In her youth, Laura Bush accidentally killed a friend of hers with her bad driving. One of Cheney's 2 daughters has sex with other women. Many Billions of dollars have been embezzled in this Iraq and Afghanistan never-ending fiasco, a lot of times Corrupt Foreigners have been entrusted with Billions that there is no accounting for, they've just been given mega-dollars without having to show what they did with them. We know what they did with them, kept this largesse for themselves except for that portion that they siphoned off to Bush, Cheney and their cronies. The American Public is a quart-low for twice electing Bush the Younger as President, they're going to get what they deserve but I don't deserve this, they're dragging me down with them, these Losers are trying to turn me into one and I'm not too happy about this. On a lighter note they should release Susan Atkins from prison, she's been locked up for almost 40 years and you can't do much more to somebody, the full-measure has been taken of her, let her die in the Sunshine. I don't miss Ted Kennedy, glad to see the last of him, Senator for Life, the people of Massachusetts can exercise some imagination and come up with another name, well wait, they don't, they pretty much have to. I've sat in the Senate Gallery and heard him speak, known for talking loud. The only 2 real good ones have been dead since the 60's so what's with this Kennedy thing? Michael Skakel had to go to prison when he was "40" largely due to boasting over the years that nothing could happen to him since he was a Kennedy, that he could get away with murder.

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