Tuesday, December 10, 2013

good talk

Sheldon Adelson is speaking againt the potential Evil that is On-Line Gambling.  Sheldon is an Army Vet as an Enlisted Man and as a patriotic American has risen up through the ranks in civilian life to become the 12th Wealthiest Person in the World with 34.4 bil.  He doesn't look at Life through Rose-Colored Glasses as do so many and sees the Danger of somebody in their underwear sitting in their bedroom and over 2 days gambling away their life savings, with unrestricted On-Line Gaming this would happen a lot, Sheldon is a wise and virtuous Jewboy. You've known me to go 10 thou on a Sportsbet but always in a Casino, betting on some computer sounds creepy I've never done it. Minimum Wage has never been intended to be an End-All Be-All, say somebody working the counter at McDonald's for 30 years.  Bill Gates calles "flipping hamburgers" to be "opportunity" for advancement.  

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