Tuesday, December 31, 2013

good talk

If you're ruthless enough there's nobody that you can't surmount.  During WW 11 the Japanese found the North Vietnamese much easier to handle than the soft Americans would 20 years later.  The Japs stopped the N. Vietnamese from growing food crops resulting in up to 2 mil of them starving to death, the survivors often resorted to cannibalism.  Also during WW 11, Joseph Stalin thought the Chechens to be untrustworthy so he deported most and killed the rest such that there were no Chechens living in Chechnya.  I was talking to a friend of Scott's, a girl from Moscow, recently and we were discussing the Chechens takeover of the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow in Oct. 2002 and the Beslan (Russia) School Massacre in July, 2004 also by the Chechens both incidents resulting in the deaths of many Russians.   Perhaps nostalgia for Uncle Joe remains in Russia even today, I remarked to her that during both of these attacks many Chechens had been killed....Smiling pleasantly,  .....They should kill them all.....  

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