Tuesday, May 31, 2016

good talk

I just saw something on TV about these guys wounded in Iraq, who were now blind.  I was thinking, I, and I alone, can help these guys by putting thoughts in their minds, of anything they like, say, a beach scene, how their relatives look, whatever.  I could also do this for somebody who had never seen before in their life, I could show-them how the World looks.  I can replicate anything exactly how it looks.  And I'd be willing to donate hours a week to this.  Now, why am I the only one who has thought of this, you thousands have known of my ability for many years, why haven't any of you come forward with this.  I'm sure that some of you have thought of this, but are too no-good to offer-up this suggestion.  We got our Flag from my uncle's casket, yesterday, Memorial Day, I donated blood, in the duration of my being in there, I was the only one.  When was the last time any of you did anything for somebody?  What greedy-things were you no-good bastards doing yesterday?                    

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