Wednesday, February 15, 2017

good talk

I thought this would be my year.  Woody Hayes (Wayne Woodrow Hayes, Feb. 14, 1913 to March 12, 1987, died the same-year as his wife, Anne, long-time married-couples often die in proximity), was born on St. Valentine's Day, why he was so sweet.  During his 26 years as Ohio State's football-coach, Woody had 2 outright and 2 shared National Championships.  Ray Pryor was an All-American center at Ohio State in 1967.  I was told by a player, that Ray was invited to play in All-Star games after this senior-year, but that Woody didn't want him to play in the NFL, as he thought that Ray should go to Dental School, instead.  Woody had a fatherly-concern for his players, Ray, who was Black, found-out that Woody had with-held these invitations from him, and that confronting Woody in his office, it seemed as tho the 2 might come to blows.  I saw Ray walking-around at the Dental School when I went there to have a wisdom-tooth pulled ($4), Ray went-on to become a professional-man.  Woody never had any NCAA violations, and was never accused of any.

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