Saturday, November 3, 2018

good talk

So sorry to hear of the passing of Willie McCovey, a lot of people don't realize how formidable of a player was "Stretch", hit 521 Home Runs, when you had to be really-great to do so.  Permanent green-ink on a woman is a real turn-off, were I a woman, I'd want to be attractive.  I knew that Ohio State wasn't that good, when that guy for Minnesota took the ball 157 yards in 26 carries, then Purdue tripled the score on them, Urban Meyer seems distraught on the sidelines, maybe after being suspended for 3 games, who has ever heard of a coach of his stature enduring-this, he's no-longer feeling like a World Beater, maybe he should do something-else after this season.  Al Jolson was never derided for BlackFace (seemed to have a Mother Complex, always singing about Mammy), in this Era, you can't say anything. I did "Power Yoga" at the gym, before class, I asked the instructor, is this going to hurt, I had sweat dripping off me.  I was at the VA, and this old Salt, said, I know you from somewhere, the Navy, I wasn't in, he had an enthusiastic, happy, association, that's good

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