Thursday, January 23, 2014

good talk

I hope you people think that my life has made the World a better place.  All this pre-elementary schooling is stupid, my older brother, Bob, never went to any school until he was 6 and a half and with little effort got as good of grades as anybody in the hardest subject, me, oh no, were it were.  And I went to kindergarten.  Just let the kids romp and play.  I was really suprised that the U.S. had an Embassy in Libya, they had murdered Gaddafi a year before.  HBO made out like they were doing us a big favor by showing Pascal-Bute, a 2nd tier fight.  Bute lost the first 11 rounds but in the 12th and final Emptied his Guns and almost had him.  In Yoga, a big class, she said whoever wants to can remain in downward-facing-dog (just me and some girl) while the rest go into child's pose.  And she had us in this for a long time like she wanted to see if one would weaken, I could have done that all my life it was gonna hafta be her (mano o mano Yoga).  Jose Sulaiman, President of the WBC, died recently at "82," the creator of the phrase....The people who become Boxers are different than the people who become Archbishops.... The huge, escalating increase in the number of Casinos in this Country where gambling (people losing their money) is seen as panacea for economic woes is demented, it's a Sick Society I'm forced to live in, poor me. Our Western Culture has nothing in common nor will it ever with the Moslem World which is full of fruitcakes who have nothing better to do than blow themselves up.   Shelley Fabares turned "70" recently, a successful TV and movie actress her "Johnny Angel" hit #l on the Pop Charts in 1963.  I've always been very good to McKayla, I'll stand on my Human Rights Record regarding this girl.  

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