Tuesday, January 7, 2014

good talk

I gave $500 to the ASPCA as I do every year and I expect this of each of you, I've never really had a pet but like animals the same as most people, the animals can't stick up for themselves so it's up to us people to do it, meow, chirp, hiss.  On PBS they said that the Germans only had 3 and a half hours of ammo to try to repel the Allies during the Normandy Invasion, no wonder their effort petered out.  The Clark County Library Employees, that is for Las Vegas, are taking more holidays all the time, this past year they took not only Christmas but the day before.  They recently signed a long-term contract with guaranteed raises (do you get this).  They're also often rude as though they know that they'll be there for a long time no matter what.  The Las Vegas Public Library Employees Union?  The Teamsters, if it moves unionize it.  Every time I turn on the TV I'm forced to look at the TV Media, there's a place in Hell for them, eventually everybody gets what they deserve. 

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