Thursday, January 30, 2014

good talk

Some of my Yoga Poses are so deficient that it's good I learned this so I can practice on my own.  North Carolina's nickname, the Tarheels, was acquired in a less than complimentary way.  During the lst Battle of Bull Run North Carolinians were driven back leading Mississippians to advise....Y'All should tar your heels.....Mississippians are brave, everybody knows that.  I was watching PBS and they were telling of the bodies buried 2 to 4 thou years ago in the Bogs in Ireland.  There's a consensus that they were local Kings whose Kingship was deemed a failure (say, bad Harvests) and that they were ritually killed and their bodies left in the Bogs to propitiate the Gods.  Had they asked me to be King....I'm a humble man unworthy of such Honor....The first time I was in Hong Kong I bought a couple of knock-offs on the street for a dollar U.S. apiece.  One had a Lacoste Crocodile on the front and the 2nd time I washed it the Crocodile fell off, both were good shirts I wore for years.  If you think that you can't live without a man you had better let him know this if you wish to be successful, dear.   

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