Thursday, October 16, 2008

good talk

Thursday, October l6, 2008 I'm glad that you folks are interested in my simple wisdom. I enjoy meeting people so I guess I am a little extroverted, one reason why I enjoy traveling so much, travel is very exciting from end to end. I've been in 99 countries in my life, possibly more than anybody in Las Vegas. As this country is rotten to the core I don't think it's going to last much longer, unfortunately. For the past 230 years this country has been the most powerful entity in this hemisphere but all empires come to an end, usually due to moral decay and I expect this country to fall apart in some sort of chaos in the not too distant future. The minds of the American people are weak, my mind isn't but they're dragging me down with them. For example, the American people elected Bush as President twice, he even got more votes than the other guy the second time. This stupid war has drained this country of money that could have been used for all sorts of good purposes. The WW II generation was the greatest, this one certainly isn't. I'd like to use my wonderful telepathy for the betterment of Mankind, perhaps I can help improve this dire situation. The power of good is great.

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