Wednesday, November 25, 2015

good talk

Don King was in an airport, one day, and saw a little, old lady who was crying. Concerned, Don went over and asked her why was she so sorrowful, and she told him that she and her son were Jewish, and that her son had married out of his ethnicity to an American Indian girl, and that she had said some things that she now regretted, as the couple had a baby boy and wouldn't speak to her.  Don asked the lady for her son's phone number, saying that he was going to try to smooth things over, 20 minutes later, Don returned and told her that everything was fine, and that to show their love for her, they had given the newborn a nice, Jewish name.  The lady was so relieved and happy ...And my grandson is?  ...Smoked Whitefish...      (The Ring, January, 2016)                     

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