Wednesday, January 13, 2016

good talk

Lately, I've had as many Hits from Russia as the U.S., if you know why, tell me.  The mentality of some-one who would place their shoes on the back of the seat in front of them in a movie theater, I always sit in the last-row.  Nothing is as dangerous as a Mexican with a weedblower, they blow dirt all over you and your car, and what a horrible-noise.  For the most part, dirt that nobody would notice is blown and everybody notices it.  In Las Vegas and San Diego, big chunks are missing on the main-drags, damaging our cars, why would things have gotten so out-of-hand.  I had tremendous-timing on my trip last Spring to the Middle East and Europe, those places imploded just-after my return in mid-June.  If McKayla knew how to act like a normal-person, I would have taken her with me, this would have salved her painful-existence and she would have returned renewed.  McKayla is a fallen woman, and I'm not a religious figure, a forgiver of sins (think Jesus and Mary Magdalene)                  

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