Thursday, September 18, 2014

good talk

I haven't had a cavity since the 90's, you should practice hygiene.  Scotland is lucky that Britain would have them, a miniscule almost non-entity.  I was just reading one of my favorite Blogs, Sept. 21, 2010, Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of San Salvador, El Salvador is the Capital.  The bus from Medellin to Quito, Ecuador was supposed to take 26 hours, it took 37, I got in at 2 A.M. and took a taxi to the nice Hotel Viena Internacional (correct spelling), 2 blocks from the main square of Plaza Grande.  Quito, 2.2 mil is the Capital of Ecuador, 15.2 mil and up 9400 ft.  Founded in 1534 by the Spanish it achieved Independence through Jose de Sucre and Simon Bolivar winning the Batttle of Pichincha in 1822.  I've been to Quito thrice, lotsa good stuff to see.  Near the Square is the impressive Cathedral, de Sucre is interred.  La Campania de Jesus is a beautiful Jesuit Church, Museo Franciscano is good, as Museo de la Cuidad. Basilica del Vota Nacional is big and interesting.  The Museo Nacional is real fine and features an extensive pre-Colombian gold collection. I had been to Mitad del Mundo twice, didn't go there this time.  22 km north of Quito, it's right on the Equator and I've had my picture taken with one leg in the Northern Hemisphere and one leg in the Southern Hemisphere.  What currency do they use in Ecuador, the Yankee Dollar.

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