Tuesday, June 30, 2015

good talk

I had a huge number of Pageviews since yesterday, I think it 's the old, banned-Readers doing this, and that their minds are still in the gutter.  McKayla doesn't have "mental illness," half the people in the world have anxiety and depression, and why not, how do we all wind-up, there's nobody walking around who's "150." Mc made a half-mil from the 2012's Team's Tour after the Olympics, but it cost a lot more than that to get her to her former elite status, her Old Man has a lot of Scratch, I wonder from what.  From my constantly talking about her as some wonderful person, she was signed by the same agency that handles Taylor Swift (ha, they took my word for it, they didn't bother to do a simple background which would have turned-up what she is really like), and Mc has made millions off Ed's back from this (this agency figures they have to continue-on with her, she even being put on "Topp's" cards this past Jan., even though there's a good-chance she'll eventually become a "Registered Sex Offender," ha, ha).  If McKayla wants to get-in good with Ed she can split that dough with me, as I am the source.  Hey, I'm not kiddin', I don't want those warped Old Readers gazing-upon my pristine Blog

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