Tuesday, July 5, 2016

good talk

Recently, I've gotten an inordinate amount of hits, your minds are in the gutter.  When I was a child, I took piano-lessons for 4 or 5 years, I'm very well-bred.  Trump is within striking-distance of Mrs. Clinton, or even in some polls, in these chaotic-times, voters will prefer a strong-man like Donnie to Mrs. Clinton, whom I consider a nice lady, but the criteria for the Presidency isn't that someone is a nice, old lady.  I've never thought that Chelsea looked much like her parents, the doorstep?  I got-back to Las Vegas on Friday, July 1, and was having a hard-time finding an apartment on 4th of July weekend.  I went to a place where I last stayed almost 3 years ago, and a girl at the desk said, Hi, Ed.  I couldn't remember her, and was surprised she remembered me.  I looked at her name-tag, "Tami," and thought, oh, yeah, now I remember.  Tami said ...I hope you stay here again (didn't), Ed, you're so exciting...  I had never heard that.  Robert Lee, July 3, 1863, astride his Morgan Horse, "Old Traveler," on seeing the remnants of Pickett's Charge, those not killed, badly-wounded, or captured, coming-back the other way, the South's noble-bid for Independence in ruins    too bad, oh, too bad       

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