Thursday, November 2, 2017

good talk

I just came from "seeing" an Opthamologist at the VA, ha, my pupils are way-dilated, big as saucers.   I had seen him before, an older Jewish guy (U. of Chicago Med), we talk current-events and politics (likes Trump, most of the better people do), he had previously told me that during the Vietnam Era, he had used-magnets to pull slivers of metal out of Marines' eyes, I'm sure that he did as good a job as could be done.  When in LV, he likes the Bellagio, says they treat you real-well, and he likes their food, we're glad to hear that.  He's a real-fine guy (they're not all bad).  Oh, my eyes are hanging in there.  The Moslems have been subjugated by the White People for the past 500 years, first the Europeans, then them and the Americans, it's unsurprising that they would someday rebel.  Trump is correct in saying that they should be more-discerning about whom is allowed in the U.S., there's millions of Moslems living here who would like nothing better than to cut our throats.  This guy in New York, was so dumb and inept that of the 8 he killed, 5 were Hispanics, who are neither fish nor fowl to them, it's the White People he wanted to kill, he's a failure all the way-around.  While we're talking about ethnicity and race, most White Americans think that American Blacks are already getting more than they deserve, and are tired of their never-ending complaints

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