Thursday, December 11, 2014

good talk

Before I went Online I had lotsa Hits.  If I stopped my Blog you Readers would Wither Away like the Wicked Witch of the West (after 2 months ...I can't take any more, I'm withering away...)  I went to that Post Office I spoke of on Tuesday at 9:30 A.M., whereas in the past at this time of the year, there'd be a line out-the-door, there were only 2 possible customers present (people want packages sent and received, not stolen).  Over the past couple years, all this Bad Language in Newspapers, Magazines, regular network TV Shows, I think they do it because I dislike it so much (I was watching the CMT and some tattooed geek was singing how if he's lucky he'll get (slang term for sex).  I'm telling you, the Mass Media has the Mark of the Beast, when they go home they take off their clothes and run-around on all fours baying)

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