Thursday, December 4, 2014

good talk

Anyone would think that the watch I'm wearing must be quite expensive.  This unmanned thing they're sending into Space is unimpressive, NASA landed a man on the moon in July, 1969 and should have landed a man on Mars by 1985 at the latest, the Feds have gone cheap on the Space Program which should have been enhanced, instead they spend money on Illegal Aliens and other inanities (?).  Tyson Fury (See My Blog for Aug. 25, 2013) is Vladimir Klitschko's likely next opponent.  Hayden Panettierre is 8 months pregnant by Vlad (his nickname is Dr. Steelhammer), but supposedly they're not getting along at the present, we're hoping this will change for the better.  I saw Scott at the gym this past Mon., I hadn't seen him in 6 weeks, we shook hands.  I told him that I had always noticed his strong grip, and we decided to grip right hands to see if one could get the better of the other (See My Blog on Dan Hodge, Aug. 10, 2009), I think Scott did better, well, he's a powerful man.  He said, now let's do left hands, it had been fun but that was enough for me.  See My Blog on Geronimo, Aug. 1, 2010, when things are named after Indians it's due to their bravery and skill in battle, it's never pejorative.

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