Wednesday, February 17, 2016

good talk

There's a cheap-gas chain in Las Vegas called "Fills."  I'm not goin' to Brazil, belatedly they revealed that Americans don't need a visa only beginning in June, and that's too late.  Brazil is a Banana Republic, they only got the Olympics 'cause nobody else wanted it.  Not going there due to Zika is stupid, who's pregnant?  The "Real" has fallen  70% to the Dollar over the past year, impoverished to begin with, the many thieves will be tearing the tourists to pieces.  I'm going to the 2 days of the Olympic Trials in Women's Gymnastics in San Jose, this July, I'll be there and the Coaches and Competitors will be glad for the energy I'll bring.  I glanced at the P&G this past August and a couple of those little gals were really fine, I'm sure I'll get some interest from some of the Gymnasts, it's happened before, things look great for us all.  I used to have a good friend who was a San Diego Cop and he once told me that earlier that day, some guy was shot during the commission of a crime, and that he was one of the Police who arrived at the scene.  Drew said that he wanted to get information from this culprit, so he told him that he was going to die (he said he didn't really think that he would), and that this guy got all scared and 'fessed-up, giving Drew the information that he wanted.  Hey, he did die         

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