Tuesday, January 2, 2018

good talk

When I was at the Breeders' Cup (Nov. 6, 2017), after you showed your ticket to enter the "Beach Infield", you were given a door-prize of a real-big, beautiful, towel, with the Breeders' Cup Insignia on it.  I sat down next to Rod and Taelor, his best friend's daughter, and we talked throughout the day.  Rod is a big, financial-adviser, and his house is near the Del Mar Track, also his office, and they hoofed it to and from, everybody who came by car had it a lot rougher.  Rod was a formidable-player for Nebraska, and played 2.5 years in the NFL, for the Chiefs and Raiders, cut 3 times, the 3rd the deepest.  He made the best of it, making a lot more money without getting beat-up, he does a lot of charity-work, he's a pretty-good guy.  At Del Mar, they were selling mixed-drinks in a beautiful, 3-dimensional 12-ounce cup, also with the Breeders' Cup Insignia, and unlike most, he and Taelor were keeping theirs.  I didn't drink anything, used to, but anymore never at sporting-events, blurs your mind.  But I do Scarf cups (See My Blog for Aug. 25, 2015, and the above date), and these were really-good.  Did I mind having upper-crust people see me pawing thru trash-barrels in search of cups, not at all.  I'd bring 'em back and sit-down, and throughout, Rod Smith accused me of taking his cups  ...If I took any, I'd say so...  This was a running-commentary all day, such that when I standing up to the barrier to watch a race, a man standing next to me, said  ...How did it turn-out with you and that guy over the cups, I heard you talking...  It had made a bit of a scene (offbeat sense of humor).  But Rod did learn that Taelor had given-me 2 of their cups (they acquired theirs in the usual-way, and had quite a few), and told her to take them back, I had a sort-of a cake-box, in which I had put the cups, and opened-it, and she lifted 2 out.  By the end of the day, I had 32 cups, these I washed in a 2-gal. plastic bucket, with hot water and laundry detergent, and some bleach, took anything right-off.  After drying, I put them  4 to a plastic-bag, except for one that was 6, keeping only 2 that were slightly-damaged for myself, and sent them and the Breeders' Cup towel to my brother, Bob, in Cleveland, telling him to give them to 6 of his many friends, keeping the one with 6 for himself (I said, those Midwest Hicks will gaze in awe).  I also later sent him that UNLV shirt.  All this cost me was the mailing, it was along the line of Christmas homemade-brownies

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