Wednesday, March 11, 2015

good talk

I bought a sheet of Jimi Hendrix Stamps, several months ago I wanted Janis Joplin, but so did everybody else, and the P.O. was out (or stolen, the one I go to).  I haven't seen Ken Jennings' "Kennections" in Parade recently, miss it.  Ken tithed his winnings on "Jeopardy," makes the Mormons look good.  Went down on an easy one, probably tired of doing it.  Every couple weeks, after working-out, I go to "Little Caesar's" (...I'm Little Caesar, yeah, that's me...) and get their "Ultimate Supreme," a large pizza with 7 toppings, I eat most and throw the rest away.  It's plenty good and only 8 plus tax in L.V., get this, in San Diego it's $3 more.  Las Vegas' roads are getting like San Diego's, terrible, and for the same reason, for many years their taxpayers have allowed Public Employees to spend their tax-money on Salaries and Pensions instead of Infrastructure, the people of both locales are just stupid (the drug-scene has taken its toll).  Why would this thing about Mrs. Clinton using her personal email account instead of a Federal Govt. email account, only be coming to light now?  Why not years ago when Mrs.Clinton was Sec. of State?  The American Media, especially the TV Media, are just stupid (...the drug-scene...).  Soon they'll be walking-around with their tongues hanging-out of their mouths.

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