Wednesday, June 22, 2016

good talk

I'm at the library, and a few feet away, this guy is playing the acoustic-guitar and singing for these little kids and their parents, cat's good, anyone would say this.  From Kuala Lumpur, I went to Melaka (Malacca), 92 miles away, by bus, had never been there. Melaka has a big-time past, the narrowest part of the Malacca Staits, it was developed by a Peranakan Sultanate in 1400 and became a very important port and center of trade until usurped by Singapore in the 1800's. This southwest coast of Malaysia was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511, eventually ceded to the Dutch in 1641, and then to the British in 1879.  A city of 900 thou, they have a big, historical-section set-up, full of tourists, and everybody has a good-time

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