Saturday, September 1, 2018

good talk

You people have become jaded.  I was at the Big Mac's 200 yards in front of my domicile, for bre-bre, and I complimented Marcella, a real-cute little Mexican girl, on the big-ribbon she had in her hair.  When I was in Tahiti, and Moorea, a half-hour ferry-boat ride (James Michener's Bali Hai), I saw that all the girls wore flowers in their hair, the ones we usually see don't do any of this.  Tahiti is surrounded by coral, and you can't really swim because of it, Moorea is like this but not totally, and that's where I stayed and swam.  I also did the Shark Seeing, where you go out in a boat, a bunch of tourists, and they throw fish in the water, and immediately, there were 15 Reef Sharks, circling.  A Reef Shark is 6 feet long, with a big-body, about what you'd think of a Shark looking-like, and supposedly they won't eat-people.  All us tourists jumped in the water, my Dive Mask, had a #4 Refraction, there's no netting between you and the sharks, you just watch them swim-about, and they watch-you, the closest one came to me was 10 feet away, this guy and me were just ogling each-other.  This went real-well, and was a great-experience, but had those sharks decided to attack, the water would have been churning with Sharks and Tourists fighting for Supremacy                                                   

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