Wednesday, August 27, 2014

good talk

I go to Mama's Pizzeria in Laughlin, NV when I'm in town and there's a really nice man who has worked there for years, but he gets heavier and heavier, I wish he'd lose weight.  Where I've had a lot of Readers lately is Turkey (?), they must enjoy my fond assessments of Moslems.  I donated blood yet again last week, the 38th time I've donated in Las Vegas, they consider me to have Rare Blood and cut my pint 6 ways and give it to Preemies.  The Preemies have never done anything for me and they aren't.  If you can do something for someone you should just pitch in and do it.  You might not know what I'm talking about.  I'm always so Good and I want to become more Good every day.  Goody-Good good good good.  You People have Leeched Me for the past 6 years, I ask you to send me a T-Shirt with the Stars and Bars on it and you won't do this simplest of things for me.  It was our Military's incompetent Raid that cost Jim Foley his head.  ISIS was tipped-off by the Military's bungling "Intelligence" asking ineptly about the Hostages that alerted them and they moved them.  When the Seals came out of the helicoptors they killed a bunch of ISIS which aroused them to take Vengeance on poor Jim.  Our Military is a Bull in a China Shoppe.  Barry and his Lackey, Eric Holder, are themselves Race-Baiters.  A Policeman is under no obligation to risk Serious Injury during the performance of his duties, so far as that Brown guy, good riddance.

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